Why do Tamil Poets praise Tirukkural a ‘Tamil Veda’?- Part 2 (Post No.13,353)

London Swaminathan at SOAS in 1993


Post No. 13,353

Date uploaded in London – 18 JUNE 2024                                   

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Hindu Gods sung by Valluvar

Tolkaappiyam, the oldest Tamil book, says Indra, Varuna, Vishnu and Durga are Tamils’ Gods. Tolkaaappiyam used Aram Porul Inbam (Dharma Artha Kama ) together in at least two places. Sangam literature also did this; Following them, Valluvar used it in his book.

Hindu Gods in Tirukkural:

Indra –Kural No.25

Brahma – Kural No.1062, 377

Yama – Kural No.269, 332, 765, 1083, 1085

Vishnu/Krishna/ Vamana/Trivikrama  – 1103, 610

Krishna -1258, 1228??

Lakshmi – 179, 519, 617, 920

Lakshmi’s eldest sister- 617, 936

Shiva – 580

Dharma Artha, Kama (kaama)- 501, 754, 760

Dhaanam, Tavam- 19, 295

Bhagavad Gita echo- 1, 620, 617, 509

Pancha Tantra Stories- 481, 500, 633, 495,

273, 274, 277

Karma and Rebirth- lot of Kurals

Brahmins- Lot of Kurals

Sanskrit words – over 600 Kurals including the Very First Kural and Very Last Kural

Non Killing/ Vegetarianism – 251 to 260; 321 to 330; total- 20 couplets

Violence – 550, 264, 1077, 1078, 1224

Valluvar was against Jainism and Buddhism- Valluvar praises Grihasthaashramam/Family life. He used Manu’s couplet and says Having a wife is better because he can help his family, Ascetics and Pitrs/departed souls; Buddhists and Jains don’t praise Grihasthaashramam.

Valluvar supports death sentence and violence against misers openly; Though we know through history books, both Jains and Buddhists involved in violence, their scriptures don’t support death sentence openly. Valluvar speaks about death sentence even in Love/Sex couplet.(I have been doing research in Tirukkural for over 50 years.)

I will briefly explain the couplets (Kurals) mentioned above, in the next article.


Tiru Valluvar with sacred thread

Who said that Tirukkural is  ‘Tamil Veda’?-

Tiruvalluva Malai(maalai) is an appendix to Tirukkural (TK); there are 55 poems praising TK. Dravidians are scared to see these poems and so deleted from all latest TK books. The  reason is  that this section praises the Four Hindu Vedas ad compares TK  with them. It is considered later addition to TK; but yet the names of Sangam Age poets are there. Probably they are related to Sangam age poets. But we are more interested in   their sayings.


Goddess of Learning Saraswathi and Tamil poets

Ugra Peruvazuthi, Nakkirar, Mamulanaar (maamuulanaar), Kothamanar, Nallanthuvanaar, Thodiththalai Vizuththantinaar, Velliveethiyaar, Maangudi Maruthanaar, Kaarikkannanaar, Perunchiththiranaar, Nari Veruuvuth thalaiyaar,Kovur Kizaar,  Seyalur Kodunchengkannanaar, Vannakkan Saaththanaar, Kodinjaalan Maani puutanar etc praised TK as Veda in Tamil or  TK advocates Dharma Artha Kaama Moksha- four values of the Hindus.

Tamil poet Kavuniyanaar says,

The kural’s sweet to mouth and ear and the mind

‘T is balm for two fold deeds that birth rebind

‘T was sung by Valluvar the poet wise and true

That we might know the righteous path of old anew

Of these 55 Tamil poets

Kothamanaar (Gauthama) says something interesting

“Brahmins don’t WRITE Vedas thinking that it would lose its power because unfit people may read it. But Tirukkural in WRITING can be read by fit and unfit people and yet it wouldn’t lose its strength.”

(Gauthama is a Brahmin belonging to Gauthama Rishi Gotra/clan)


Another poet by name Vannakkan Chaaththanaar says

When one scrutinises Sanskrit and Tamil to find out which is better, one finds it difficult to conclude; Now we have Vedas in Sanskrit and Tiruvalluvan’s Kural in Tamil (so no more debate; both are great books)

Because of these comparisons and praise of Four Hindu -Values Dharma Artha Kama Moksha, Dravidians stopped publishing the appendix Tiru Valluva Malai. But all the 60 to 100 year old books have this section. But Dravidians could not do anything about the book’s real name DHARMA ARTHA KAMA (Muppaal in Tamil).

Popley in his translation continuously refer to Valluvars indebtedness to Manu Smriti and Artha Saastra.

To be continued…………………………….

Tags- Tirukkural, Hindu Gods, Violence, Avatars, Gita Echo, Pancha Tantra stories.

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