Written by London swaminathan

Date: 28 JANUARY 2019
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Post No. 6000
Pictures shown here are taken from various sources including google, Wikipedia, Facebook friends and newspapers. This is a non- commercial blog.

There are many unravelled secrets in the world; even after a great advancement in scientific methods and scientific instruments, we are not able to decipher the Indus script. We are not able to get the full history of the great Hittites, Kassites and Mitanni civilizations of West Asia. Even big libraries like SOAS, University of London, has got only two books on Mitannis. But they are the greatest civilization that ruled Turkey and Parts of Syria with Hindu names Dasaratha and Pratardhana. Because they are Hindu names no scholar has come forward to study the civilization in details. Hindus must learn the Sumerian and Akkadian languages and study the 60,000 plus clay tablets in Cuneiform script. So far we know about Dasaratha’s letters that were found in Amarna in Egypt.

The name Mitanni is connected with Mithras of Vedas. Their capital Washukanni is connected with Vedic god Vasu (Asta vasus). The kings names have words like Satya, Seela (Truth and character).

Syria came from Surya (Sun God in the Vedas), Turkey came from Turaga/horse, Assyria came from Ashura, Iran came from the word Aryan. So we see all Vedic names there.

But the few people who researched on these things agree on one thing: Hittites, Kassites and Mitannis spoke a language related to Sanskrit. Dasaratha (Tushratta in Mitanni inscriptions) married his two daughters to Egyptian Pharaoh. Mitannis made agreement in the name of Vedic Gods. In Turkey, horse manuals in Sanskrit are found. All these have been in western encyclopaedias for over 100 years; but no Indian history book taught these things to our children till this day! This is another mystery.

No scholar disputed the following four important things or their dates- around 1400 BCE.

1.Dasaratha wrote letters to Egyptian king, married his two daughters to an Egyptian King, sent a statue of Goddess (may be Lakshmi or Durga)

2.Mitanni kings made and sealed an agreement in the name of Vedic Gods. Even Indus Valley scholar Asko Parpola pointed out that the names of the Gods are in the same order that is found in the Rig Vedic hymn. This explodes Max Muller’s dating of the Vedas.

3. All the scholars agree that they spoke an Indo-European language (related to Sanskrit)

4.All the scholars agree that the oldest horse manual found in Turkey has instructions in Sanskrit.

What do these show?

People who recited Vedas did not come to India from Siberia or Steppes; but they slowly spread to West Asia from India around  1800 BCE.

Now let me summarise what the latest book on West Asian Civilizations say (published by Thames and Hudson in 2008) about The Mitannis:–

Hurrian and Kassite: Two mystery languages

This is the title in a box inside the article. It adds

“The Hurrian language is not properly understood. It has some similarities to Urartian, a language from the Lake Van region f the Trans Caucus that was written in the first millennium BCE.”

My comments

Because it is later than the Mitanni inscription, Hindus migrated later to that area.

It says further,

“Kassite, the language of the dynasty which ruled Babylon from the sixteenth century BCE is another poorly understood language. No Kassite texts have been attested. There are however , two lexical texts which contain 200 basic words (terms for colors, chariot parts, irrigation and plants) and a handful of personal names. From them it is apparent Kassite is unrelated to any known language living or dead.

My comments

The very word Kasi is a Sanskrit word ; It stands for Varanasi. Elsewhere they say that the Kassites are of Indo European origin. If is not related to known language, then are they from Indus Valley? The dates are nearly same . If we study those 200 words, will we be able to decipher the Indus script?

So it is imperative Tamil and Sanskrit scholars must focus their attention to Mitannis,Kassites and Hittiles. Scholars like Mr Kalyanaraman (author of Arya Tarangini, Chennai based) has done some research in this area.

Hatti may be Kshatria; Hurrian may be Aryan.

Instead of guessing, we must do proper research  scanning through 60000 plus inscriptions. (Please read my articles on the similarities between Hindu and Sumerian civilizations).

Now I will add what the Thames and Hudson book says about the Mitanni

“The history of the Mitanni state can only be partially reconstructed. The earliest king is believed to be certain Kirta, the father of Shuttarna.

Both are Sanskrit names!

Kirti. Sudarsan etc. Strangely all the names are Vaishnavite names from Vishnu Sahasranama or Ramayana.

Hindu names and rites get corrupted in proportion to the distance they are away from India. If you look at the names and Hindu rites  in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bali/Indonesia, Mauritius, South Africa, Guyana and Fiji , you will understand how they change, modified or corrupted. The more distance in area and time they are, the more corrupted.

The earliest attestation of Hurrians  is in the late third millennium BCE (even before the Indus Valley/ Saraswati Valley civilization). Mitanni rose to power in 1600 BCE.

Strangest thing about these civilizations is only two pages are given in most of the encyclopaedias. But they ruled a vast area for at least 200 years.

Indian government must allocate more funds to all the universities that are ready to do research in this area.

My old articles

A Hindu Story in Sumerian Civilization | Tamil and Vedas


11 May 2014 – Sanskrit words such as Tiamath, Sumukhan,Azigi, Vizigi (snake gods) in Sumeria can be explained only through Vedic literature. … The story of Garuda (eagle) and Amrita is in Hindu mythology and Sumeriancivilization. … I give below two stories from Sumerian andHindu scriptures.

3000 Gods in Mesopotamia! Similar to Hindus!! | Tamil and Vedas


18 Sep 2014 – In short, Hindu concept of God was propagated to the Near East by the Hittites, Kassites … Please read my earlier posts on Sumer– India link.

You’ve visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 11/09/16

Did Indra attack Ur in Sumeria? | Tamil and Vedas

9 Oct 2014 – In short they were respected and they did HinduYagas. … Scholars admit that Sumeria was a melting pot of many language speakers and …

Missing: links ‎| ‎Must include: ‎links


River Ganges in Sumerian Culture – Swami’s Indology Blog…

17 Mar 2017 – Holy River Ganga (Ganges) is so famous and so holy that wherever Hindus went they named at least one river after Ganga. We see Ganga in …

Magic in Hindu, Sumer and Egyptian Culture | Swami’s Indology Blog

2 Aug 2015 – This article is about the Hindu beliefs of burying hair and bones at the place of an enemy to eliminate him/her and hanging ugly faces to ward …

There are more in my blogs.


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1 Comment

  1. Sekar Iyengar

     /  October 21, 2019

    why not try to bring into history books. we only read what the englishman thought we should know. Even in the Bible India is mentioned as a major satrap of Persia in the book of Esther. In the old testament Jacob plants a pillar and worships it. this must have have the shape of a lingam in some form.

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