Most Amazing thing in the World!!


What is the most amazing in the world? Great men of India think alike!

Vyasa has answered this question through Dharma/Yudhistra in Mahabharata. This is one of the last four questions asked by the Yaksha (Spirit in the trees) in the Yaksha Prasna. Yudhistra answered:
Yudhisthira: The most amazing thing is that even though every day one sees countless living entities dying, he still acts and thinks as if he will live forever.

Great Tamil saint Tiruvalluvar also dealt with this subject (couplet 336):

The one, who was here yesterday, is no more today and
That is a matter of great wonderment, in this world

A man is here one day and is not here next day; that is the special significance of life on earth.

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Lord Krishna talks about the wonderful thing in the spiritual world:

One looks upon Him as a marvel, another likewise speaks of Him as a marvel; another hears of Him as a marvel; and even after hearing no one whatsoever has known Him! (Bhagavad Gita 2-29)
Among thousands of men scarcely one strives for perfection and of those who strive and succeed, scarcely one knows Me in truth (Bhagavad Gita 7-3)

Kalidasa in Raghuvamsa (8-87)

Kalidas in Raghuvamsam says: For to the one that is born death is certain. Living is the unexpected one. If a living being lives for even a single second, that is a bonus!

Kanchi Paramacharya (Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswati)

Kanchi Shankaracharya in his Madras talk on 15-10-1932 says: A great man has spoken about the wonder in the world. He says the most amazing in the world is the life breath inside one body. Even though there are nine holes to escape still the life is inside the body! Is there a more wonderful thing in the world?

Navadware sarire asmin ayu: vasathi santhatham
Jeevath adhiadbutham thathra gachathithi kimadbhutham


Please read my earlier posts:
1.மாநுடப் பிறவி அரிது! அரிது!!
2.‘Jantunam Narajanma Durlabatha:’ -Human Birth is difficult to obtain

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